Fido revives bonus data a day after ending the promo, but it’s worse than before

Well that was quick. Just a day after ending its Lunar New Year bonus data promotions, Fido brought back the bonus data. But of course, it’s worse than before.
First off, Fido’s plans are still more expensive than they were, at $45/mo and $55/mo respectively (including $10/mo autopay discounts). That’s $5/mo than they were earlier this week.
But now, Fido brought back the 10GB bonus data for the $45/mo plan, raising it from 50GB to 60GB. At least, for 24 months — then the bonus expires and drops off the plan.
Similarly, the $55/mo plan now has bonus data, but only 5GB, down from the 10GB and 13GB bonuses it had before. Again, the bonus data only lasts for 24 months. The 5GB bonus brings the $55 plan from 75GB to 80GB of 4G data.
While bonus data is always welcome, it’s a bit frustrating to Fido bring back the bonus data on more expensive plans just a day after it ended the promo.
Moreover, even with the bonus data, neither of these plans is that great. For comparison, Freedom just launched a $39/60GB 5G+ Canada/U.S/Mexico plan — why pay an extra $6/mo to Fido for worse data and no built-in roaming? And likewise, Public Mobile has a $35/50GB 5G Canada/U.S./Mexico plan that’s set to end on January 30th. Better to snag that before it goes away than Fido’s $45/60GB plan.
You can find Fido’s plans here, or check out our rate plan tool to find the best offer for you here.
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